As the US philatelic community emerges from lock down and returns to stamp shows, USPCS members are sharing their collections across the country. In July, World Series of Philately shows were hosted in Crystal, Minnesota and San Francisco; then in August, the American Philatelic Society hosted their national Great American Stamp Show in Chicago.
Minnesota Stamp Expo
Sponsored by the Twin City Philatelic Society, Lake Minnetonka Stamp Club, Maplewood Stamp Club, and Minnesota Stamp Dealers Association, the Minnesota Stamp Expo was hosted in Crystal, Minnesota from July 16 to 18.
In the Multi-Frame Exhibits category, USPCS members Alfredo Frohlich, Larry Nix, and Daniel Ryterband won awards.
Frohlich’s Guatemala – The Provisional Surcharge of 1922 earned a Gold , along with the APS Award of Excellence for 1900-1940 Material.
Nix presented two exhibits: America’s Libraries – The Stamp earned a Gold, while Melvil Dewey – American Library Pioneer &
Social Reformer received a Large Vermeil.
Ryterband won the AAPE Gold Award of Honor for Day of Infamy: Pearl Harbor and the U.S. Pacific Fleet, which also earned a Large Vermeil.
One Frame Exhibits were shown by USPCS members Bob Hohertz, Hal Vogel, and Michael Ley.
Hohertz won First Place and a Large Gold for The American Phototype Two-Cent Instructive Clauses 1867-1872.
Ley’s Burma Civil Censor Hand Stamps 1939-1943 earned both a Large Gold and the APS Award for Research.
Vogel won a Large Gold for Great Britain’s Greatest Irish Polar Expeditioner.
One of the US’s largest stamp shows, WESTPEX was held in San Francisco from July 30 to August 1. The show hosted four guest societies: the American Helvetia Philatelic Society, The Nepal and Tibet Philatelic Study Circle, The Collectors Club (NY), and the Philatelic Foundation. The USPCS also had a presence at the show, and many members entered award-winning exhibits.
In the Multi-Frame category, the Grand Award went to Richard Malmgren‘s Hawaii Postal Cards, which also received a Large Gold and the Best Collectors Club Member Multi-Frame Exhibit (USA Classic).
The State of the US Mail – a Snapshot in Time by Lawrence Haber earned a Large Gold and also won the Best Collectors Club Member Multi-Frame Exhibit (USA Modern), the APS Award of Excellence: 1900 – 1940, and the California Collectors Club Award for Best 20th Century.
Alfredo Frohlich‘s exhibit Wilmington Delaware Postal History received a Large Gold, the Postal History Society Medal for Best Postal History, and the US Cancellation Club Award.
In the Single Frame category, Replating Colombia’s 1861 1 Peso Stamp by Alfredo Frohlich won a Large Gold, and also took home the American Philatelic Society Award of Excellence: Pre 1900, and the Donald Dretzke Memorial Award for Best Used Stamps.
Jerry Johnson‘s U.S. Circular Mail: 1845-1863 earned a Gold and received the San Francisco Pacific Philatelic Society – Margaret Munda Memorial Award of Merit.
Early Expedition Mail of the Himalaya – Mt. Everest Region by Edward Hackstaff received a Gold.
The USPCS also gave a society award, the U.S. Philatelic Classics Society – Best U.S. up to 1894. It was presented to Michael Mahler for Once Was Not Enough: Documents of the U.S. Civil War Stamp Tax Era, 1862-1883, Subject to Multiple Taxes.
Great American Stamp Show
A combination of the American Philatelic Society’s annual StampShow, the American Topical Association’s Stamp Show, and the American First Day Cover Society’s AmeriCover show, the Great American Stamp Show was held in Chicago from August 12 to 15. This show hosted the Champion of Champion’s competition, Multi-Frame and Single Frame competitions, and a Literature Competition.
The Benjamin & Naomi Wishnietsky Multiframe Champion of Champions award was presented to USPCS member Daniel J. Ryterband for A Country Divided: Effects of the American Civil War on the Mails.
The GASS Most Popular Award went to In the Beginning…Timbromanie, How the Proliferation of Postage Stamps Started a Collecting Revolution by Vince King.
In the StampShow competitions, the following USPCS member exhibits received awards:
Multi-Frame Reserve Grand
American Heroic Age Polar Expeditions – Hal Vogel
Multi-Frame Large Gold
Engraved Perforated Royal Portraits Issued in Hawaii 1864-1893 – Jeffrey Erichson also Collectors Club of Chicago Award, United States Philatelic Possession Society Multiframe Award
Postal Markings of the Hong Kong “China” Overprints – Ian Gibson-Smith also Philatelic Foundation Award
Rates During the Post-War Chinese National Currency Era – H. James Maxwell
New Jersey Stampless Covers: Handstamp Postal Markings 1775-1855 – Robert G. Rose
Fire on the Water: Steamboat Mail in New York: 1808 to 1855 – Daniel J. Ryterband also Auxiliary Markings Society Award
U.S. 1907-1919 2 ¢ Oval Die Stamped Envelopes – Ross Towle also United States Stamp Society Statue of Freedom Award
U. S. Civil War Documentary Taxes 1862-1872 – Timothy G. Wait also American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors Epilogue Award, United States Philatelic Classics Society Award
Multi-Frame Gold
Adelca – Colombia’s First Official Airmail Stamps – 1932 – Alfredo Frohlich
A Postal History Map of the United States – Chip Gliedman
In the Beginning…Timbromanie, How the Proliferation of Postage Stamps Started a Collecting Revolution – Vince King also American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors Creativity Award, Ephemera Society of America Award
Burma: The Issues of the Republic 1948 to 1952 – Michael Ley
Getting Collared: The Use of Stamp Collars in the United States – Nicholas Lombardi
Imperial & Republic of China Official Postal Seals – H. James Maxwell
Printed Precancellations of Playing Card Makers on Government Die Revenue Stamps, 1862-70 – Michael J. Morrissey
History and Technology of the American Paper Industry in the 1800s – A.J. Valente
Rockford Illinois Postal Markings 1837-1939 – Tim Wait also United States Cancellation Club Award
Multi-Frame Large Vermeil
The Development of Railway Mail Routes in Georgia, 1846-1889 – Douglas & Nancy Clark
25¢ Honeybee – From Design to Postal Usage – Robert E. Thompson also American Philatelic Society Post 1980 Medal of Excellence, Errors, Freaks and Oddities Collectors Club 2nd, Plate Number Coil Collectors Club Award
Multi-Frame Vermeil
Early History of the German East Asia Cruiser Squadron 1895-1900 – Louis P. Pataki
Single Frame Grand
World War I Comes to the German Mail in Shantung, China – Louis P. Pataki also Germany Philatelic Society Third
Single Frame Gold
British Airship R100 – Cheryl R. Ganz
Utica, New York’s Handstamped Postal Markings 1798-1855 – Robert G. and Ellen N. Rose
In the National Topical Stamp Show competition, the following USPCS member exhibits received awards:
Multi-Frame Reserve Grand
An ancient partnership, an uncertain future. Butterflies, moths and man – Greg Herbert also ATA Biology Award 2nd
Multi-Frame Gold
The Sun, Myth, Science, Effects, Culture – Anthony Wawrukiewicz
Multi-Frame Vermeil
Melvil Dewey – American Library Pioneer & Social Reformer – Larry T. Nix also Americana Award
Single Frame Large Gold
The Leticia Incident – Fran Adams
Single Frame Gold
The Oceanographic Institute and Museum of Monaco – The First 50 Years – 1910-1960 – Fran Adams
In the AmeriCover competition, the following USPCS member exhibits received awards:
Multi-Frame Grand
The 3¢ Connecticut Tercentenary Issue of 1935 and its First Days – Anthony F. Dewey
Multi-Frame Large Gold
The 3¢ Iwo Jima Stamp and its First Day Covers and Uses – William Kelly also American First Day Cover Society 1932-1945 Award
The 3¢ 1936 Oregon Territory Issue – Ralph H. Nafziger
Multi-Frame Gold
The “Settling of Connecticut” Postal Card of 1986 – Anthony F. Dewey
Multi-Frame Large Vermeil
America’s Libraries – The Stamp – Larry T. Nix
Single Frame Gold
Zeppelin Hindenburg & Tipex – Cheryl R. Ganz
In the GASS Literature Competition, the following USPCS members won awards for their entries:
Thomas Edison and The Bulb Bill DiPaolo
Large Vermeil
A Noteworthy Pre-Cancel on Lancaster Watch Company’s Advertising Covers Charles J. DiComo, PhD
Re-Evaluating a Philatelic First: The Earliest Depiction of Black History on U.S Stamps Peter Schwartz & Calvin Mitchell
China Stamp Society Specialized Catalog of China to 1949 H. James Maxwell
The Overrun Countries Series, Book 8, The Greece Stamp & It’s Varieties Keith Lichtman
Gold (website of the Carriers and Local Society) Casey Jo White for the Carriers and Locals Society
Crown Illustrated Censuses of Confederate Postmasters’ Provisionals Francis J. Crown, Jr.
Silver Bill DiPaolo
Spanish Colonial and Mexican Mail in the United States Yamil H. Kouri, Jr also Postal History Award
The Civil War Cigar Stamps Peter R. Schwartz
Large Vermeil
A Study of the Printing Process of the Republic of Indonesia’s Postage Stamps Issued by the Pitt for Java and Madoera 1945-1949 Yan Wiriadi Jodana
Creating the Philatelic Exhibit Synopsis: A Master Class Andrew McFarlane
The 3c Nashville Provisional Adhesive: A Study in Postal History Research Francis J. Crown, Jr.
Large Silver
The Christmas Florida Post Office: A Philatelic Giant in a Tiny Town Christine C. Sanders, Christmas Philatelic Club
NJPH, Journal of the New Jersey Postal History Society Jean R. Walton & Robert G. Rose
Postal History Journal Diane DeBlois & Robert Dalton Harris
Large Silver
The Israel Philatelist Donald A. Chafetz
Noncompetitive/Not Judged
The Birth of New Jersey’s Post Vernon R. Morris Jr. M.D