On August 4-8, 2016, The APS will hold its annual StampShow in Portland, Oregon. That means that the USPCS will be holding a meeting there, sponsoring a number of talks and hosting a Society dinner on Friday night. Dale Forster will also be organizing a chartered-bus field trip from the show hotel to Fort Vancouver. Reservations will be needed for both Friday night dinner and the Saturday outing. See below for a full list of Society activities and details on how to reserve a place at the outing and dinner. A non-Society talk by a Society member, sponsored by the AAPE, is also listed.
5 Aug Board of Directors Meeting (open to all USPCS members)
8:00-10:00 Room B113
5 Aug Historical letters from the northwest corner.
Dale Forster
11:00-12:00 Room C121
5 Aug USPCS Dinner Courtyard Portland Downtown
6:30 Drinks
7:00 Dinner
Reservations required: dwsnow@centurylink.net
6 Aug USPCS-sponsored trip to old Fort Vancouver
Dale Forster
10:00-1:30 $45/person, includes bus, lunch, and tour.
Prepaid reservation required: mike.plett1@gmail.com
6 Aug The New York Postmaster Provisional.
Mark Schwartz
2:30-3:30 Room B117
6 Aug Behind the scenes of World Stamp Show NY2016.
Wade Saadi
4:00-5:00 Room B119