WANTED: Scans of typewritten 3¢ envelopes & letters sent from Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition from May 10 to Nov. 10, 1876. Please sends scans to jjlegrand@hetnet.nl

WANTED: Scans of typewritten 3¢ envelopes & letters sent from Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition from May 10 to Nov. 10, 1876. Please sends scans to jjlegrand@hetnet.nl
WANTED: Postal history related to Lynn, Massachusetts prior to 1914. Send scans to Paul Wijnants, paul.wijnants@scarlet.be (2019-08)
WANTED: Covers of Express Mail of 1836-1839, and 1845. Geoff Dunlop, dun270@verizon.net (2019-08)
WANTED: Any 1860-1865 drop letter cover with Chicago or Chicago City cancellation. A plus if it has front or backstamp “HALF HOUR Drop Letters DELIVERY” marking.
William E. Grigg, POB 749, Spring Grove, IL 60081 or griggwe1@gmail.com.
Parodies of Philately – All types of items wanted for non-competitive exhibit “Parody Philately.” Anything that pokes fun at our hobby/mail services. Current/older material wanted. Exhibit can be viewed on APS Website. All Inquiries Answered. Mark Sommer, 1266 Teaneck Road #10A, Teaneck, NJ, 07666.