Sarasota National Stamp Expo
The Sarasota Philatelic Club hosted its 2024 edition of the Sarasota National Stamp Expo January 19-21, 2024 at the Sarasota Municipal Auditorium in Sarasota, Florida. Don’t forget. That was Sarasota!

Ralph H. Nafziger won the Literature Grand Award and Large Gold for his “Earliest Documented Uses of the Large Banknote Stamps”.
Albert L. Briggs, Jr. won Literature Gold for his “Uses of the USA Presidential Series on Mail to Great Britain, 1939-1945”. Robert Rose won Literature Vermeil for his “Special Delivery in NJ”.
Multi-frame Large Gold was won by Alfredo Frohlich for “1914-1918 German Soldiers Captured in China: Japanese Internment: Their Mail Use” (also the APS 1900-1940 Medal of Excellence). Cheryl Ganz won Multi-frame Gold with “Clements Photography: Prints & Postcards” (also the AAPE Creativity Award).
Southeastern Stamp Expo
The Southeastern Federation of Stamp Clubs held its annual show January 26-28 at the Hilton Atlanta Northeast in Peachtree Corners, Georgia. The show’s theme was the centenary of the birth of former U.S. President Jimmy Carter, a Georgia native.

Tony Dewey ran the Palmares board. His “The 3c Connecticut Tercentenary Issue of 1935 and its First Days” won the Multi-frame Grand (also Multi-frame Large Gold, American First Day Cover Society Award, and the US Stamp Society Statue of Freedom). His “The US Alphabet-Denominated Rate-Change Series, 1978-1998” won the Multi-frame Reserve Grand (also Multi-frame Large Gold). To finish his triple, Tony won the Edwin Jackson Single-frame Grand for “The War Rate: United States Postal Rates and Fees from February 1, 1815 through March 30, 1816” (also Single-frame Large Gold). It does not appear than any previous USPCS exhibitor has won all three awards at one time. Congratulations, Tony!
Douglas Clark and Nancy Clark (posthumously) won Multi-frame Large Vermeil for “The Development of Railway Mail Routes in Georgia 1846-1889”. They also won the APS Award of Excellence – Pre-1900 and the USPCS Award.