Garfield Perry’s March Party was held the third weekend of March in Cleveland. Winning a Large Gold medal and the Grand Award was Mark Schwartz (photo) with “The Postal History of Salem, Massachusetts” (also the Garfield Perry Award for the Best U.S. Exhibit, the Thomas Allen Award for the Best Postal History Exhibit, and the Postal History Society Award).
Hal Vogel won a Large Gold Medal and the Single Frame Grand Award for “Great Britain’s Greatest Irish Polar Expeditioner”
Also winning Large Gold Medals were Eigil Trondsen for “Cunard Line: The Ships and Transatlantic Mail 1840-67, Monopoly Years” (also the Dale Pulver Award for the Best Foreign Exhibit, and the APS Medal of Excellence for Pre-1900 Material); Hal Vogel for “Pioneer Period Expeditions to Greenland” (also the APS Medal of Excellence for 1900-1940 Material, the APS Research Award, and the American Philatelic Congress Award); and Mark Schwartz for his SF “The ‘Special Arrangement’ between Liverpool and the U.S. – 1843-1848” (also the U.S. Philatelic Classics Society Medal”.
Gold Medals were awarded to Robert Meegan for “United States Domestic Letter Rates from the Act of 1792 to Oct. 1, 1883”; Ken Nilsestuen for “Minnesota Territorial Centennial Stamp” (also the Garfield Perry Award for the Best Exhibit by an Active G-P Member, and the American First day Cover Society Award); Bill Schultz for “Toll Gates and Toll Houses – Their Progression on Postcards”; Roger Rhoads for “Chicago: House of Blues” (also the UPSS Marcus White Award, and the U.S. Cancellation Club Best Cancellation award); and Bob Hohertz for the SF “Why There Was a 1 1/2c.”
Finally, Ken Nilsestuen won the Nelson Lagrange Award for Club Volunteerism.
Held at the end of March, this WSP show hosted the German Philatelic Society. So while there were few Classics Society members exhibiting, those who were there did quite well.
Winning a Large Gold Medal was Alfredo Frohlich for “SCADTA Airmail in Ecuador” (also the American Air Mail Society Gold Medal, the German Federation BDPh Award, and the APS Medal of Excellence 1900-1940). Winning a Gold Medal was Cheryl Ganz for “Zeppelin Hindenburg & Tipex (also a GPS Gold Medal, an American Air Mail Society Gold Medal, and the American Philatelic Congress award).
This show was held in Westland, Michigan in mid-April. Winning a Large Gold Medal and the Reserve Grand Award was Mike Farrell for “So Much to Due: The History and Uses of the Large Numeral Postage Due Stamps” (also the AAPE Creativity Award, the AAPE Award of Excellence – Epilogues, and the West Suburban Stamp Club Reserve Grand Award].
Gold Medals were awarded to William Fort for “Wartime Transpacific Airmail Routes” (also the Military Postal History Award); Eric A. Glohr for “Hawaiian Postal Envelopes: Kingdom and Provincial Government Issues” (also the UPSS Marcus White Award); and Cary E. Johnson for “Michigan’s Inland Waterway Mail and Express Company Operations” (also the APS Medal of Excellence – Pre 1900 Material; the Postal History Society Award; the Peninsular State Philatelic Society Award; and the West Suburban Stamp Club Award),
Winning a Large Vermeil Medal was Jim Cate for “American Machine Flag Cancellations – Domestic U.S. Military Facilities WWI 1917-1919”.
WestPex was held at the end of April in San Francisco. It is considered one of the top and most competitive shows in the country.

Other members winning Large Gold Medals were Doug and Nancy Clark for “The Massachusetts Island Counties. Postal History before 1890 (also the APS Award of Excellence Pre-1900); and Roger Brody for “Jamestown 1907” (also the APS Award of Excellence- 1900-1940).
A Gold Medal was won by John Bowman for the SF “2¢ ‘Liberty Head’ US Revenue Tax Stamp, 1875-1883.
A Large Vermeil Medal went to John Young for “U.S. Navy Machine Cancels (1919-1979)” (also the Francis E. Locy Award – Best Multi-Frame Study of Locy System Postmarks, and the US Cancellation Club Award).