This New Jersey Show was held in East Rutherford the weekend of Oct. 19-21. USPCS members were front and center at this WSP show. All major awards were won by members.
Carol Bommarito (see adjacent photo) won the Grand Award and a Large Gold Medal for “United States Mail To, From and Through Great Britain 1840-1875” (also the Best Foreign Multiframe exhibit and the Postal History Society Award). George Kramer won the Reserve Grand Award and a Large Gold Medal for “The Central Overland Route” (also the best United States Multiframe exhibit). And Mark Schwartz won the Single Frame Grand Award and a Large Gold Medal for “The Postal Markings of Newburyport and Newburyport, Mass. during the Stampless Period, 1755-1855”.
Other members winning Large Gold Medals included Gary Hendren for “St. Louis Street Car Mail, 1892-1915” (also the Mobile Post Office Society – Charles L. Towle Award: Best Multi Frame Exhibit and the PF Research Award); Dan Ryterband for “Fire on the Water: Steamboat Mail in New York” (also the USPCS Medal); Mark Schwartz for “The First U. S. International Postal Card and Its Forerunners” (also the UPSS Marcus White Medal, and the US Cancellation Club Award); Larry Lyons for both “The US Independent Mails and Local Posts Journey to Oblivion” (also the APS pre-1900 Medal of Excellence and the Chicago Collectors Club award) and the SF “New Orleans Carriers 1851-1861”; and finally, Bob Odenweller for “New Zealand Air Mails: 1898-1935”.
Gold Medals were awarded to Roger Brody for “Embossed Stamped Revenue Paper 1755-1856” (also the ASDA President’s Award); Lawrence Haber for “The State of the U. S. Mails – 1909” (also the USSS Statue of Freedom award); and Darrell Ertzberger for “Compliments of the Season: Christmas / New Year Greeting Souvenirs From U. S. Rural Carriers” (also the AAPE Creativity award).
A Large Vermeil Medal was won by Doug and Nancy Clark for “Half Way to the Stars – San Francisco Cable Car and Street Car Mail (also the AAPE Gold Award of Honor).
Indypex was held in Noblesville, Indiana outside Indianapolis on Oct. 5-7. Leonard Hartman (see adjacent photo) won the Grand Award and a Large Gold Medal for “The Lithographed General Issue of the Confederate States of America” (also the USPCS Medal and the APS Pre-1900 Medal of Excellence). Mike Farrell won the Single Frame Grand and a Large Gold Medal for “The Beardless Lincoln Essays: Unadopted Revenue Stamp Designs by the National Bank Note Company”.
Othe members winning Large Gold Medals were Gary Hendren for “St. Louis Street Car Mail 1892-1915” (also the APC Award); and Gregory Scott Ward for “Use of U. S. Parcel Post Stamps 1913-1926” (also the Postal History Society Award and the Collectors Club of Chicago award).
A Gold Medal was won by Ralph Nafziger for “Auxiliary Markings on U. S. First Day Covers” (also The Auxiliary Marking Club Award).
A Large Vermeil Medal was awarded to Gary Hendren for his SF “Twisted Caps – Twisted Mail” (also the Auxiliary Marking Club SF Award, the AAPE Award for Creativity, and the Most Popular SF).
This WSP show was held in Milwaukee on Sept. 14-16. Nick Lombardi won the Grand Award and a Large Gold Medal for “The 1903 Two Cent Washington Shield Issue” (also the USSS Statue of Freedom award).
Also winning a Large Gold Medal was Gregory Scott Ward for “Use of U. S. Parcel Post Stamps, 1913-1926”.
Members awarded Gold Medals included Roger Brody for “U. S. Embossed Stamped Paper / Financing the New Nation” (also the APS Medal of Excellence, Pre-1900, and the USPSC Medal); Alfredo Frohlich for “SCADTA Ecuador Airmail 1928-1939” (also the APS Medal of Excellence 1900-1940, and the AAPE Award of Excellence); and Larry Nix for both “The Library of Congress and Copyright, 1865-1930” and “America’s Membership Libraries 1731-1901”.
A Large Vermeil Medal was awarded to Jim Cate for “American Machine Flag Cancellations – Type A-14/A38 Domestic U. S. Military Facilities WWI 1917-1919”.
A Vermeil Medal was won by Jim Cate for his single frame “Camp George H. Thomas, Lytle, Ga. Spanish American War 1898”; a Large Silver Medal was awarded to Cheryl Ganz for “Washington Island – Scandinavian American Settlement”; and John Rdzak won a Silver Bronze Medal for “An Ohio Volunteer.”
Filatelic Fiesta
This two-day Show was held in San Jose on October 20-21.
Ed Andrews won a Gold Medal for “”Josef Pilsudski: Father of Poland’s Independence – The Second Republic” (also the ATA 1st Award). Steve Washburne also won a Gold Medal for “Portugal – Uses of the ‘Mouchon’ Issue 1895-1910”
Winning Vermeil Medals were Ed Andrews for “The Seven Months of Marienwelder Plebiscite Stamps” and Lester Lanphear III for “Go – The World’s oldest Board Game” (also the ATA 2nd Award)