AmeriStamp Expo
Cheryl Ganz (photo) wins the Single Frame Champion of Champions competition at the AmeriStamp Expo in Birmingham for “Zeppelin LZ-129 Hindenburg Onboard Postmarks”. This is one of three recent shows at which USPCS Members were awarded medals.
The AmeriStamp Expo is an APS-sponsored show featuring Single Frame Exhibits (including the Champion of Champions competition) and a variety of types of multi frame exhibits. This year, Cheryl Ganz took home the prized Single Frame C of C with “Zeppelin LZ-129 Hindenburg Onboard Postmarks” Other members participating in the 2018 C of C competition were Francis Adams with three entries – “Atlantic Meeting”, “The Charter of the United Nations” and “The United Nations and Palestine: 1947-1951”; Tony Dewey, also with three entries – “The Bridges of Hartford, 1810 to Mid-1940s”, “The War Rate: 1815-1816” and “International Education Bureau Labels for the Service of Intellectual Aid to Prisoners of War”; Mark Schwartz, also with three entries – “Boston’s Use of of the 1847 Issue”, “The Postal Markings of Newbury & Newburyport, Mass., During the Stampless Period: 1755-185” and “The “Special Arrangement” Between Liverpool and the U.S. 1843-1848″; Richard Taschenberg with “The Thirty Cent Nesbitt Envelopes of 1865”; Dan Undersander with “The World’s First Commemorative Stamped Envelope – The 1876 Centennial”; and Mick Zais with “Hand-drawn and Painted First Day Covers of the 1937 West Point 5 cent Commemorative.”
In the Single Frame Open competition, the Single Frame Grand Award and a Large Gold Medal was awarded to Robert Mayo for “The Straightlines of Richmond, VA 1782-1800”. Single Frame Reserve Grand Awards and Large Gold Medals were awarded to Larry Lyons for “Swarts’ City Dispatch, The King of the Local Posts at Chatham Square, 1847-1856” and to Rich Drews for “Trans-Oceanic and Domestic Uses of the 30 Cent U.S. Issues of 1861-1868.”
Other members winning Large Gold Medals were Fran Adams for “The Leticia Incident”; Carol Bommarito for “Transatlantic Mail: U.S.- G.B.Rates 1849-1867” (also the Lighthouse Award); and Bob Hohertz for “Why Was There a 1½ ¢ Prexie – and Its Later Solo Uses”.
Gold Medals were awarded to Tony Dewey for “The ‘H’ Rate-Change Stamps of 1998 Depicting ‘Uncle Sam’s Hat'” (also the APS Medal of Excellence Post 1980); Alfredo Frohlich for “Colombia – The Simon Bolivar Centenary Issue of December 17, 1930”; Chip Gliedman for “Special Mail Routes of Rupert’s Land and the Red River Valley” (also the APS Medal of Excellence – Pre-1900); and Mick Hadley for “Domestic & Foreign Usages: 1908 U.S. Coils”.
A Large Vermeil Medal was won by Yamil Kouri for “Paid at Havana”. Vermeil Medals were won by Doug and Nancy Clark for “Halfway to the stars- San Francisco Cable Car and Street Car Mail”; Tony Dewey for “The 1¢ Cent UN First Issue of 1951 and Its First Day – Solo Use”; Bob Hohertz for “Thesis: There are no constant plate flaws on American Phototype Imprints” (also the Errors, Freaks and Oddities, 1st Place award); and Dan Undersander for “Revaluing Envelopes for the 1958 Postal Rate Increase” (also the UPSS One Frame Award). A Silver Award was won by Cheryl Ganz for “Suchard Chocolate Advertising on Swiss Postal Cards”. And a Certificate was awarded to Thomas and Laura Tomaszek for “Clever US”.
In the Multi-Frame competition, Gold Medals were won by Gary Hendren for “St. Louis Street Car Mail 1892-1915”; and Randolph Smith for “Rally ‘Round the Flag”. and a Silver Bronze Medal was won by Leslie Butler for “Stamps, Cinderellas, and Military Mail of the Polish Government in Exile”;
St. Louis Stamp Expo
At the St. Louis show on March 16-18, Jim Allen won a Large Gold medal and the Grand Award for “The First United States 12 cents Stamp. Series 1851-1861” (also the APS Medal of Excellence, Pre 1900; the U.S. Stamp Society Statue of Freedom Award; and the U.S.P.C.S. Medal). Way to go, Jim!
Other members winning Large Gold Medals were Ed Andrews for “The 1924 Eagle in Wreath Issue. The First Gold Currency Stamps of Poland” (also a Polonius Society Gold); and Gary Hendren for “St. Louis Street Car Mail, 1892-1915 (also the Postal History Society Award).
Ed Andrews also won a Gold Medal for “Josef Pilsudski: Father of Poland’s Independence – The Second Republic” (also a Polonius Gold) and for the SFE ” and a Large Vermeil Medal for “The Seven Months of Marienwerder Plebiscite Stamps. The Part of the Polish Corridor Named Kwidzyn” (also a Polonius gold medal and the AAPE Exhibitors Award of Honor).
Garfield-Perry March Party
This show was held on March 22-24 in Cleveland. Past President John Barwis stole the show with wins in the top two categories. He won a Large Gold and the Grand Award for “Philadelphia – Great Britain Mails, 1683 to GPU” (also the Garfield-Perry Thomas Allen Award for the Best Postal History Exhibit; the Best British North America Exhibit Award; and the Postal History Society Award) and the Single Frame Grand and Large Gold medal for “Victoria’s England-Bound Mail 1855-1857: The Crimean War Clipper Ship Era.”
Other members winning Large Gold Medals were Richard Malmgren for “Hawaii Postal Cards (also United Postal Stationery Society Multiframe Champion of Champions Award); Doug and Nancy Clark for “The U.S. 1903 Hartford Postal Stationery” (also the APS Medal of Excellence 1900-1940); Rob Faux for “Postal History of the 1861 United States 24-Cent Adhesive” (also the Garfield-Perry Award for the best U.S. Exhibit, and the United States Stamp Society Statue of Freedom Medal); Gary Hendren for “St. Louis Street Car Mail, 1892-1915” (also the Collectors Club of Chicago Philatelic Exhibitor’s Award, and the U.S. Cancellation Club Best Cancellation Exhibit); Chip Gliedman for his SF “Special Mail Routes of Rupert’s Land And The Red River Valley” (also the Garfield-Perry Single Frame Second, the American Philatelic Society Medal of Excellence Pre-1900 Material, and the Best British North America One Frame Exhibit Award); and Richard Taschenberg for his SF “(also the Garfield-Perry Single Frame Third, the United Postal Stationery Society Single Frame Champion of Champions Award, the AAPE Award of Excellence – Plan and Headings and the AAPE Creativity Pin).
Members receiving Gold Medals included Marvin & Judith Platt for “The Columbian Envelopes of 1893”; and Dan Undersander for his SF “The World’s First Commemorative Stamped Envelope-The 1876 Centennial” (also the USPCS Medal).
A Large Vermeil medal was awarded to Mike Ferrell for his SF “The Beardless Lincoln Essays”.