German Federation of Philatelists Put on a Great IBRA 2023
The IBRA 2023 stamp show was a success for all who attended. For a number of Society members, it was also an award-winning event for their philatelic exhibits and literature. Clearly, German fluency was not a requirement for enjoying the show.
The show was held in Essen, Germany May 25-28 with Society members Ross Towle and Yamil Kouri serving as jurists. A total of 809 exhibits were judged resulting in the awarding of 64 Large Gold and 196 Gold medals. In addition to the exhibits, philatelic bourse, presentations, a few lucky participants had an opportunity to take a Zeppelin ride.
6 members received multi-frame Large Gold awards for their exhibits. They are:
> Carol Bommarito: “United States Adhesive Stamped Mail to, From and Through GB 1840-1875”
> Martin Camerer: “The postal relationship between the Old Italian and the Old German States 1850-1870”
> Gary Diffen: “Transportation of Australian Colonial Mail to 1891”
> Robert Forster: “Nova Scotia Colonial Postal History”
> Cheryl Ganz: “Zeppelins and the United States”
> Nicholas Kirke: “Evolution of foreign mail originating in New York City 1845-1878”
Multi-frame Gold was won by 4 members for their exhibits. They are:
> Jan Huys: “Postal history, cancellations and postmarks of Belgium during the period of its First Issue, 1849-1852”
> Geoffrey Lewis: “Mail routes in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans, plus the routes between the oceans”
> Richard Malmgren: “Hawaii Postal Cards”
> Eigil Trondsen: “Cunard Line; The Ships and the Transatlantic Mail 1840-1967, the Monopoly years”
Multi-frame Special Gold awards were won by Alfredo Frohlich for “Classic Colombia 1862-1863. The Fifth and Sixth Issues” (title page) and Paul Wijnants for “Stampless maritime overweight mail in pre -UPU times (1738-1876)”.
Single-frame Gold was won by Chip Gliedman for “Mail Routes of Rupert’s Land, British North America” and Jan Hofmeyr for “The Process That Led to the Grill Stamps of the United States: 1865-1868”.
Cheryl Ganz won a Philatelic Literature Gold for her “U. S. Zeppelin and Airship Mail Flights”.
Multi-frame Large Vermeil awards were won by Lars Böttger for “Der 1. Weltkrieg und seine postalischen Konsequenzen für Luxemburg 1914 -1919” and Ian C. Gibson-Smith for “Postal Markings of the Hong Kong ‘China’ Overprints”.
Multi-frame Vermeil awards were won by George Henshilwood for “Having Fun with Numbers” and Burkhard Krumm for “USA 1845-1861, New York Postmaster und erste drei Ausgaben”.