- Southeastern Stamp Expo
Atlanta’s Southeastern Stamp Expo was held during the first weekend of February. Featured in the Court of Honor at this show was Kenneth Nilsestuen’s Algerian Postal History, 1731-1876.
For multi-frame exhibits, Norval Rasmussen was awarded a Large Gold for Tunisia First Postage Issue: Bey Ali III ibn al-Husayn Coat of Arms. Kenneth Nilsestuen‘s The French Congo 1900 Pictorial Issue received a Large Vermeil. Gerry Oberst‘s U.S. Philatelic Portraits of Thomas Jefferson received a Vermeil, the American Topical Association Third Award, and the Women Exhibitors Sterling Achievement Award.
In single frames, Large Golds were awarded to Douglas and Nancy Clark for Oglethorpe County, Georgia, Postal History 1861-1865; and to Hal Vogel for 1838-42 Wilkes Antarctic Expedition: Its Many (Often Unfavorable) Facets.
- Sarasota National Stamp Expo
February 7-9 was the Sarasota National Stamp Expo in Florida, where both philatelic exhibits and literature were judged.
In the philatelic exhibits, Mark Schwartz was awarded the Reserve Grand, Large Gold, and USPCS awards for The New York Postmaster Provisional.
H. James Maxwell earned two Large Golds. His exhibit Rates During the Post-War Chinese National Currency Era also earned the Paul Chang Chinese Postal History Award; and Imperial & Republic of China Official Postal Seals earned the James R. Lee Memorial Award.
Large Golds were also awarded to Cheryl Ganz for Zeppelins & the United States; and to William Fort for Wartime Pacific Airmail Routes 1939-1947. Both exhibitors also earned Large Golds from the American Air Mail Society.
Alfredo Frohlich received a Gold and an American Airmail Society Gold for SCADTA Airmail 1929-1931.
Large Vermeils and American Airmail Society Vermeils were awarded to Stephen Washburne for Portuguese Commercial Airmail Rates 1934-1945; and to Millard Mack for The 6c Transport Airmail Stamp Goes to War.
Thomas Richards’s Philately at the Movies: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer’s (MGM) Postal History and Janet R. Klug’s Britain: Isles of England and Wales earned Large Silver awards.
In the literature competition, Dr. Charles DiComo’s article New Plate Flaw Discovery: “Dash & Ink Trail” on 3¢ 1851 Stamp for the Chronicle took the Grand Award and a Large Gold.
Robert G. Rose’s Bristol Packet’s “NEW YORK” Handstamp: Was it Applied in London or New York? in The London Philatelist received the Reserve Grand and the Postal History Society Award in addition to a Large Gold.
Cheryl Ganz’s Transcontinental Zeppelin Posts for The Congress Book received the Collectors Club of Sarasota Award for Treatment along with a Large Gold.
Anthony F. Dewey’s article On the Trail of Grant and Lyon for First Days also received a Large Gold.
Gold Awards were given to Bill DiPaolo’s Potts and the Coamo Provisional (Possessions); Robert G. Rose’s World War I: Postmarked New Jersey (Journal of the New Jersey Postal History Society); and to Ralph Nafziger’s Wisconsin Tercentenary Issue (First Days).
Large Vermeils were awarded to William R. and Mark S. Schwartz for The Detached Rate Markings of Lynn,Mass., 1835-36 (Chronicle); and to Dr. Charles DiComo for An 1845 “Ship Letter” from Port-au-Prince Hispaniola to New York City on the Brig Hayti (Excelsior).
Maurice Bursey earned a Vermeil for Some Semi-Official Return Envelopes from the Gubernatorial Election of 1864, and a Silver-Bronze for New Bern Postal Service During the Civil War – both published in the North Carolina Postal Historian.
ARIPEX 2020 was held in Mesa on February 14-16. USPCS member Eigil Trondsen won both the Multiframe Grand Award for Cunard Line: The Ships and the Transatlantic Mail 1840-1867; and the Reserve Grand for Norway, Registered Mail to 1945. Both exhibits received Large Gold, with the former also earning the AAPE Epilogue Award of Excellence.
Richard Malmgren received a Large Gold for Hawaii Postal Cards. Marvin and Judith Platt’s exhibit The Columbian Envelopes of 1893 won a Large Gold, the Pre 1900 Medal of Excellence, and the United Postal Stationery Society Marcus White Award.
Lawrence Haber’s The State of the US Mails – A Snapshot in Time received the Germany Philatelic Society “GPS Special Prize”. David Steidley’s Uses of the 1¢ Franklin, Series of 1902 was awarded the Postal History Society Medal. Louis Pataki’s Early History of German East Asia Cruiser Squadron 1895-1900 received the Military Postal History Society Award. All three exhibits earned Gold Awards.
Ron Couchot received a Vermeil for The Lindbergh Circle, and James C. Cate received a Silver for Foreign Mail of Chattanooga 1878.
Single Frame Grand was awarded to Hal Vogel for 1838-42 Wilkes Antarctic Expedition: Its Many (Often Unfavorable) Facets. This exhibit also earned a Large Gold.
Ed Laveroni received a Gold Award for Evolution of Postal Services of San Jose de Guadalupe to and Including the 1851 Rate Change, and a Large Vermeil for San Francisco to Mr. Tamalpais & “The Crookedest Railroad in the World”. Laveroni also won the American Topical Association Single Frame Merit Award.
Vermeil was awarded to David Steidley’s American Express in Paris: Mail Handling by American Express in Paris, 1895-1939.
- Garfield-Perry March Party
The Garfield-Perry March Party was held from March 6-8. The U.S. Philatelic Classic Society held its Annual Meeting at this show, and many members participated in exhibiting.
In the multiframe competition, John Barwis took home the Grand Award for Maritime Mail Routes from Colonial Victoria, 1837-1901. His exhibit also received the Dale Pulver Award for Best Foreign Exhibit, the Thomas Allen Award for Best Postal History Exhibit, the Postal History Society Medal, and a Large Gold.
Pat Walker won Reserve Grand and Large Gold with Baltimore: Postal History from Colonial Times until June 30, 1851
Cary Johnson‘s Evolution of Territorial Michigan: 1805-1837 received a Large Gold and the American Philatelic Congress Award. Nicholas Kirke‘s The Evolution of Outbound Foreign Mail Originating in New York City 1845-78 received a Large Gold, the APS Medal of Excellence for Pre-1900 Material, and the US Stamp Society Statue of Freedom Medal.
Rattlesnake Island Local Post, 1966-1976 by Anthony Dewey earned a Gold and the APS Medal of Excellence for 1940-1980 Material. Mark Schwartz received a Gold and the American First Day Cover Society Award for The 5c Virginia Dare Stamp of 1937 – A “Traditional” First-Day Exhibit
The APPE Creativity Award, US Philatelic Classics Society Medal, and Large Vermeil were awarded to Chip Gliedman for A Postal History Map of the United States of America. Louis Pataki‘s Early History of the German East Asia Cruiser Squadron 1895-1900 also received a Large Vermeil.
Vermeil was awarded to James Cate‘s Camp George H. Thomas-Lytle, Georgia – Spanish-American War 1898 and Gerry Oberst‘s U.S. Philatelic Portraits of Thomas Jefferson. Oberst’s exhibit also won the American Topical Association 2nd Place Medal.
In the single frame competition, Mark Schwartz took home the Grand Award for Boston’s Use of the 1847 Issue, which also received the Garfield-Perry Award for the Best US Exhibit.
James Allen‘s Single Usages of the Canada Small Queen Stamp Issue – 1870-1897 won the BNAPS Best British North America Exhibit, the Collectors Club of Chicago Philatelic Exhibit Award, and a Large Gold. Anthony Dewey received a Large Gold for The War Rate: 1815-1816.
Ken Lawrence earned the APS Research Medal, the United States Possessions Philatelic Society Award, and a Gold for The Mails of Navassa Island. Louis Pataki‘s World War I Comes to the German Mail in Shantung, China earned a Gold and the Military Postal History Society Award. Gold awards were also awarded to Chip Gliedman‘s Mail Routes of Rupert’s Land, British North America and Nicholas Kirke‘s New York City Foreign Mail Fancy Cancels 1873-1875.
Large Silver was awarded to The Cherifien Post of Morocco (1892-1913) by Daniel Warren.