Sandical is one of the first two show of the calendar year, held Jan. 26-28 in San Diego. Dan Telep won the Grand Award and a Large Gold medal for “Vietnam’s Communist Insurgent Military Mail 1959-1975” (also the APS Research Award); and Fran Adams won the Single Frame Grand Award and Large Gold medal for “The Charter of the United Nations.”Other members winning Large Gold medals included Fran Adams for “United Nations Origins”; and Ed Field for “Use of $5 Stamps to Pay Registry Surcharges on Transfer of Securities: 1933-48” (SF) (also the Lynne Warm-Griffiths Award).
Winning Gold medals were Les Lanphear for “Go: The World’s Oldest Board Game”; Jessica Rodriguex for “Costa Rica: 1889 Soto Series (SF) (also the Collectors Club of New York award) and Les Lanphear for “New South Wales Penalty Clause Mail, 1898 to1902”.
Winning Vermeil medals were Les Lanphear for “U.S. Booklet Stamps Carrying the Mail: The First Fifty Years”; and Ravi Vora for “Ahmednagar: POW Camp Mail: Boer War to World War I: 1901 to 1916.
Southeastern Stamp Expo
This show was held on January 26-28 in Norcross, GA, outside of Atlanta. Two USPCS members took top honors, with Patrick Walters winning the Grand Award and a Large Gold medal for “U.S. Government Flights (1918-1927) (also the APS Award of Excellence 1900-1940); and Ed Andrews winning the Reserve Grand Award and a Large Gold medal for “The 1924 Eagle in Wreath Issue, the First Gold Currency Stamps of Poland” (also the APS Award of Excellence for Research).
Also winning Large Gold medals were Gary Hendren for “St. Louis Street Car Mail 1892-1915) (also the Postal History Society award); and Tony Crumbley for “Independent State and Confederate Mail of North Carolina 1861-1865” (also the APS Award of Excellence Pre-1900, and the USPCS Medal).
Sarasota National Stamp Exhibition
Two members too top honors at Sarasota the weekend of Feb. 2-4. Alfredo Frohlich won the Single Frame Grand award and a Large Gold medal for “Replating Colombia’s 1681 One Peso Stamp” (also the APS Research award); and Tony Dewey won the Reserve Grand award (multi frame) and a Large Gold medal for “A Postal History of Hartford, Connecticut” (also the Postal History Society award).
The USPCS members winning Large Gold medals included Steve Washburne for “Portugal – Uses of the ‘Mouchon’ Issue, 1895-1910)”; Alfredo Frohlich for “The Last Classics Colombia Issue 1866-1869” (also the APS Pre-1900 Medal of Excellence); Lyons for “Honour’s City Express” (SF); Mark Schwartz for “Boston’s ‘PAID in Grid’ Cancels on the U.S. Imperforate Issues of 1847-1856” (SF) (Also the UPSCS Medal); Wayne Schuetz for “Study of New York City Registerd Labels: 1888-1911” (SF) (Also the Auxiliary Markings Club award and the American Philatelic Congress award); and Alfredo Frohlich for “Columbia – The Simon Bolivar Centnary Issue of December 17, 1930” (SF).
Gold medals were awarded to Mark Schwartz for “The 5c Virginia Dare Stamp of 1937, a “Traditional” First Day Exhibit”; Tony Dewey for “The ‘D’ Rate Change Stamps of 1985” (also the APS post 1980 Medal of Excellence); and Wayne Schuetz for “Study of the Examiner Markings at the General Post Office in NYC: 1878-1882”.
A Large Vermeil medal was won by Millard Mack for “South Pacific Uses of the 6c Transport Airmail Stamp During WWII” (also the AAPE Award of Honor).
Last but not least, Aripex was held in Mesa, Arizona on Feb. 16-18. The Grand Award and Large Gold medal was won by Stephen Rose with “The 2c Stamp of the United States 1869 Issue” (also the AAPE award for Excellence in Plans and Headings; the US Philatelic Classics Society Medal).
Other members wining Large Gold medals were John Birkinbine II for “Pioneer Arizona Area Classics 1783-1870” (also the Collectors Club of Chicago Philatelic Exhibitor’s Award); Larry Lyons for “The Private Posts Set the Example for Mail Handling in the U.S. 1840-1863; George Kramer for “The Central Overland Route”; K. David Steidley for “Uses of the 1c Franklin, Series of 1902” (also the APS Award of Excellence 1900-1940, and the UPSS Statue of Freedom Award); Tony Dewey for “A Postal History of Hartford, Connecticut” (also the APS Award of Excellence pre-1900, the Best CCNY Member 19th Century Award, the Postal History Society Medal and the U.S> Cancellation Club Award); Richard Malmgren for “Hawaiian Postal Cards” (Also the American Philatelic Congress Book Award, and the UPSS Marcus White Award) ; Larry Lyons (again) for his single frame (SF) “New Orleans Carriers 1851-1860” (also the Auxiliary Marking Club Award); and Richard Frajola for his SF “Nepal: The First Issue, 1881 to 1885”.
Gold medals were won by Alfredo Frohlich for “SCADTA Air Mail Stamps for SCADTA Air Mail Service in Ecuador”; Fran Adams for his SF “The United Nations and Palestine: 1947-1951”; and Tony Dewey for “International Education Bureau Labels for the Service of Intellectual Aid to Prisoners of War.”
Large Vermeil medals were won by Larry Haber for “America in 1909 – A Monthly Exploration of a Year that Was” (also the AAPE Creativity Award); Mark Banchik for his SF “Westward to the Pacific”; and Larry Haber (again) for his SF “Britain Goes Decimal” (and the AAPE Gold Award of Honor).
A Vermeil medal was won by Fran Adams for “The Mesozoic Times: Where Prehistory Meets Philately.”