St. Louis Stamp Expo
Members winning gold medals for their exhibits included Larry Nix for “America’s Library – The Library of Congress” (and the Display Championship); Bruce Roberts for “Arkansas 1861-1865: A Divided Postal System” (and the Chicago Collectors’ Club Philatelic Exhibitor’s Award); Wayne Farley for “Independent State and Confederate Mail of West Virginia”; Wayne Youngblood for his SFE “Lost Almost; The Los Alamos, NM, Post Office and WWII”; Gary G. Hendren for his SFE “St. Louis Pioneer Air Mail, Oct 4-8, 1911”; James C. Cate for his SFE “Confederate Military Mail – Chattanooga 1862-1864”. Other medal winners include Gregory Scott Ward, with a vermeil medal for “Use of U.S. Parcel Post Stamps, 1913-1926”, and Kenneth B. Gilbert with a vermeil medal for “Landpost ‘ueber Lehrte'”,
Plymouth Show
At the Plymouth Show in Westland, Michigan, Les Lanphear III won the Grand Award for his exhibit “U.S. Departmental, 1873 to 1884; he also won the APS Research Award. Jim Pullin won a gold medal for “Pioneer Steamers of the North Atlantic 1818-1849”; he also won the APS Pre-1900 award and the Collectors Club of Chicago Award. John Bowman won gold for his single frame “2c ‘Liberty Head’ U.S. Revenue Tax Stamp 1875-1883. No USPCS Medal was awarded at this show.Westpex
WestPex was held on April 29-May 1. Society member Alfredo Frohlich took the Reserve Grand, gold medal and the medal for Outstanding Study of South & Central American Philately from COLOMPHIL for his “Republic of Colombia, International Mail, 1886-1899. Richard Taschenberg won the USPCS Medal, a gold medal, and the UPSS Single Frame Award for his single frame “The 30 Cent Nesbitt Envelopes of 1865.”Members winning gold medals for multi-frame exhibits included Stephen S. Washburne for “Portuguese Postal Cards of the Empire” (also The Best Multi-Frame Exhibit – Continental Portugal, Azores and Madeira), Henry Marquez for “Peru 1896-1927” (also the AAPE Heading and Plan Award), and John Birkinbine II for “Inauguration and Evolution of the New 1855 Ten-cent Trans-continental Rate from the U.S. West Coast” (also the APS Research Medal and the AAPE Creativity Award). Single-frame gold medal winners included Dan Undersander for “Black Jack Envelopes and Wrappers”, and Ian C. Gibson-Smith for “The Hong Kong ‘China’ Overprinted Postal Stationery” (also the SESCAL Award of Merit). Other medal winners included Philiip J. Candreva with a vermeil medal and the AAPE Novice Award for “Real Photo Postcards of the Hotel Del Monte”, and Stephen C. Washburne with a silver medal for his single-frame “Portuguese Boas Festas Cards: The Beginning Years”.