USPCS Books on sale on APS Website
At the Board meeting at GASS, the Board agreed to donate the remaining book inventory to the APS. Scott English agreed to give our members a chance to buy the books at a fire-sale price of $5 plus shipping before using the books as give-aways to new members or recycling them.
The books are:
Letters of Gold, by Jesse Coburn;
United States Incoming Steamship Mail, 1847-1875, by Theron Wierenga; and
The United States 1847 Issue A Cover Census, by Thomas Alexander.
The sale is now live on
RPSL Interchange – May 18, 2023 (London)
A reminder. As part of an exchange with the RPSL, USPCS members will contribute to a 50 frame display at the new RPSL headquarters in London on May 18, 2023. They will reciprocate at GASS in Cleveland on August 10-13 that same year.
Our goal is to put together an overview of U.S. classic philately, including both the stamps and their uses. This is meant to represent the collecting interests of our members, and those who have such material and are interested are strongly urged to participate. Please let us know in what area you feel you can contribute.
Further details will be forthcoming over the next several months. At this point, we are just trying to gauge interest. Please contact Carol Bommarito at for more information.