In continuation of its annual tradition, WESTPEX 2023 was held in Burlingame, California, April 28-30. Burlingame is adjacent to the San Francisco International airport and a short commute to San Francisco. Society members won big with Gold, Vermeil, and many individual society awards.
Mark Schwartz took top honors, winning the WESTPEX multi-frame Grand Award and Large Gold for “The New York Postmaster Provisional”. Mark’s exhibit also won the US Stamp Society’s – Statue of Freedom and the American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors: Award of Excellence for Treatment.
Mark Schwartz also won the single-frame Grand Award and Large Gold for “The Use of Boston’s “PAID in Grid” Cancels 1851-1859”. Additionally, his exhibit won The US Cancellation Club Award.
Daniel Knowles received our Society’s Best United States up to 1900 award for his exhibit, “The Development of the Confederate States of America (CSA) Postal Service from Secession to Appomattox”. His exhibit also won multi-frame Large Gold.
Steven Walske won multi-frame Large Gold; the WESTPEX Chairman’s Award; the Military Postal History Society’s Best Military Postal History Exhibit; and the German Philatelic Society’s Gold Award.
Two other members won multi-frame Large Gold medallions. Robert G. Rose won for his “New Jersey Stampless Covers: Handstamp Postal Markings 1775-1855” (also the Postal History Society Medal – Best Postal History and the American Philatelic Congress’ Excellence of Written Text). Dwayne O. Littauer‘s Large Gold was for his “Pre-UPU Mail Between the United States and Bremen”.
Multi-frame Gold was won by Vernon R. Morris, Jr. for his “Evolution & Development of the USPO,1685 to 1799”; Alfredo Frohlich for “Colombia First Definitive Airmail Issue 1932-1940”; Scott Prior for “Gold Rush Express Companies Serving The Gibsonville Ridge, Plumas and Sierra Counties, California”, and Robert Forster for “Nova Scotia Colonial Postal History” (also the British North American Philatelic Society’s Best NBA Exhibit).
Single-frame Large Gold was won by Larry Lyons for “Pomeroy’s Letter Express: NY State’s Independent Mail Company June 26, 1844 to August 31, 1844”; Richard Lomax for “The Influence of Strait’s Dispatch Post on the U.S. Postal System: 1849-1871”; Vernon R. Morris, Jr. for “World’s Third Producer of Stamps: Philadelphia Local Post Fee Reduction, 1842 to 1861” (also the Collectors Club Award of Merit); and Anthony F. Dewey for “The United States War Rate: 1815-1816” (also National Stamp Dealers Association – Outstanding Presentation Award).
Multi-frame Large Vermeil by our members Mike Farrell for “Bogus Stamps of the Confederacy” and Larry Lyons for “U.S.P.O. Domestic Forwarded and Missent Mail. “Our Mistake We Pay, Your Mistake You Pay” And Free Forwarded and Missent Mail to 1900” (also won Auxiliary Markings Merit Award).