The USPCS has undertaken an ongoing project to digitize the many books the society holds the copyright to. In addition there will be books that the authors and publishers have kindly given permission to be included here and even publications that are no longer under copyright protection.
This is a fledgling project, done solely by the contributions by two members, of books, money and time that needs the help of many people. If you or your organization holds a copyright to a book and would like to see it presented here please let the society know. If there are books that you personally would like to see presented here, again please let us know. Finally if you find the material presented here to be valuable please support the project and make a contribution to the United States Philatelic Classics Society so we may add even more content.
About Bookmarks
Each book has been bookmarked using the bookmark functions (accessible via the little ribbon icon usually at the lower right of a page) within Adobe Reader. This method was chosen so as to allow more detailed directions than is normally obtained from the table of contents. As an example The United States One Cent Stamp of 1851 – 1860, Neinken has extensive additional bookmarks taking one to important topics, illustrations or drawings that are often referenced but difficult to find without paging through a chapter. It is suggested that you download and experiment with this book.
Instructions For Downloading
Each file is an Adobe PDF file with every book having an Adobe index which is oftentimes more detailed and useful than that within the book. Each potential download target has a library function; the iPad has iBooks, the Kindle it’s library, etc. You may load the book directly to your library. If one wants optimum useability then we recommend using the appropriate Adobe Acrobat Reader for your specific device. With Adobe Acrobat Reader one can highlight passages, cut and clip passages, enter post-it notes, etc. The options are quite varied.
New Revised Edition – North Atlantic Mail Sailings 1840-75
Originally released in print in 1988, Dick Winter’s North Atlantic Mail Sailings 1840-75 has become the inseparable handbook for all those who research and collect mails transiting the North Atlantic in the period.
It is only fitting that Dick’s work becomes the first philatelic book to have its original printed edition revised and issued only in electronic form. The downloadable electronic version of North Atlantic Mail Sailings 1840-75 is in Adobe PDF format and can be read by not only Adobe Reader, but many of the other reading software on the iPad, Kindle, Nook, etc. Each change in the original text is so noted in a highlighted yellow. Using Adobe Reader by placing the cursor over the highlighted yellow text and a dropdown will automatically appear with the revised text. In some readers the dropdown is not automatic so simply clicking on the highlighted yellow text will also will reveal the new revised text.
1851 Essays of the United States Three Cent Stamp – Bookmarked
ALEXANDER & SIMPSON – U.S. Postal Markings, 1851-61, Thomas Alexander & Tracey Simpson – Bookmarked
ALLEN – Harry F. Allen Collection of Black Jacks, Harry F. Allen – Bookmarked
American Stampless Cover Catalog, Volume I, 1997 – Bookmarked
American Stampless Cover Catalog, Volume II, 1997 – Bookmarked
American Stampless Cover Catalog, Volume III, 353p – Bookmarked
ASHBROOK – The U S 1 cent stamp of 1851-1857 – Volume II, Stanley Ashbrook – Bookmarked
BAKER – Baker’s U.S. Classics – Bookmarked
CHASE – U. S. 3ct 1851-1857, Carroll Chase, Revised 1942 – Bookmarked

COBURN – Letters of Gold California Postal History Through 1869, Jesse L. Coburn 389p – Bookmarked
COLE – Cancellations and Killers of the Banknote Era, 1870-1894 James M Cole 345p – Bookmarked
COLE – THE BLACK JACKS OF 1863-1867 – Cole – Bookmarked
NEINKEN – United States 10c Stamps of 1855-1859, Mortimer Neinken, – Bookmarked
NEINKEN – United States One Cent Stamps of 1851 to 1861 – Mortimer Neinken – Bookmarked
NEINKEN – United States The 1851-57 Twelve Cent Stamp, Mortimer Neinken – Bookmarked
PILLER – New York Postmaster Provisional of 1845, – Piller – Bookmarked
ROSE – 1869 Issue on Cover – A Census and Analysis – Bookmarked
SKINNER & ENO – United States Cancellations, 1845-1869 – Skinner and Eno – Bookmarked
1862 – List of Post Offices in the United States 323p