How to use the Directory:
Each page of this Directory displays all pages of all documents for the selected Year and Month.
The drop-down menu lists all available time periods for this section.
By default, the first year and month listed in the Directory are shown.
There are two ways to examine a document:
– Hover your mouse over each page thumbnail to see a zoomed-in version to the right. Use your scroll wheel to change the zoom level.
– Click to open the page in a lightbox. Click on the page in the lightbox to advance to the next page. You may also use the navigation buttons in the lower left of the lightbox.
Please report any broken images, as well as misfiled documents, to the Webmaster.
August 8th, 1898, Document 1, Page 1

August 8th, 1898, Document 1, Page 2

August 8th, 1898, Document 1, Page 3

August 8th, 1898, Document 1, Page 4

August 8th, 1898, Document 1, Page 5

August 8th, 1898, Document 1, Page 6

August 10th, 1898, Document 2, Page 1