The U.S. 10-cent Postage Stamp of 1869
by Michael Laurence (8 frames)
The 2-cent Stamp of the U.S. 1869 Pictorial Issue
kindly submitted by Stephen Rose
Colored Cancels on the US Stamps of 1869 Exhibit
kindly submitted by Edward Field, 96 pages (6 frames)
Lincoln Portrait Stamps: 1869 Issues Exhibit
kindly submitted by the “Kingston” Collection, All Rights Reserved.
The United States Three Cent Stamp of 1869 – Part 1 (33MB)
The United States Three Cent Stamp of 1869 – Part 2 (39MB)
The United States Three Cent Stamp of 1869 – Part 3 (30MB)
The United States Three Cent Stamp of 1869. Rex H. Stever. 194 pages.