Civil War POW Mail: Northern Prisons (23MB)
Civil War POW Mail: Northern Prisons. Thomas F. Allen. 63 pages.
Confederate States of America General Issues (49MB)
Confederate States of America General Issues. Conrad L. Bush. 157 pages.
Kentucky During the Civil War (47MB)
Kentucky During the Civil War. D. Scott Gallagher. 80 pages.
Independent State and Confederate Mails (60MB)
Independent State and Confederate Mails. Alexander Hall. 129 pages.
Confederate States Postmaster Provisionals (Grey Scale 176MB)
Confederate States Postmaster Provisionals (57MB)
Confederate States Postmaster Provisionals. John R. Hill, Jr. 142 pages.
Mail of Confederate Armies (Grey Scale 52MB)
Mail of Confederate Armies (21MB)
Mail of Confederate Armies: Northern Virginia Theater of Operations 1861-62. Stefan T. Jaronski. 40 pages.
Charleston, South Carolina – The Confederate Period (Grey Scale 164MB)
Charleston, South Carolina – The Confederate Period (60MB)
Charleston, South Carolina – The Confederate Period. Robert J. Karrer. 144 pages.
Unusual Usages of the 5c General Issue of the CSA (Grey Scale 107MB)
Unusual Usages of the 5c General Issue of the CSA (41MB)
Unusual Usages of the 5c General Issue of the CSA (With Certs 52MB)
Unusual Usages of the 5c General Issue of the CSA. Richard Krieger. 79 pages.
Mississippi During the Confederate Era (133MB)
Mississippi During the Confederate Era. Charles Miller. 153 pages.
Civil War Patriotic Covers (108MB)
Civil War Patriotic Covers: The Union and the Confederacy. Blake M. Myers. 112 pages.
Confederate States of America – Part 1 (8MB)
Confederate States of America – Part 2 (8MB)
Confederate States of America – Part 3 (7MB)
Confederate States of America. Benjamin Wishnietsky. 186 pages.