This year’s Southeastern Stamp Expo was held 24-26 January in Peach Tree Corners, 20 miles Northeast of Atlanta, GA. While scarcer “on the ground” than at other shows, each Society member who exhibited came home with medal [sic].
Fran Adams led the pack winning the Single-frame Grand for “United Nations Special Committee on Palestine – 1947” (also Single-frame Large Gold and the ATA’s One-frame Award).
Kenneth Nilsestuen won Single-frame Gold for “The Era of the Algerine Corsairs, 1597-1830”.
Douglas Clark had several exhibits entered, each of which medaled.
- “The Development of Railway Postal Routes in Georgia, 1846-1889” won Multi-frame Gold.
- “Oglethorpe County, Georgia, Postal History 1861-1865” won the USPCS Medal and a Single-frame Large Vermeil.
- “Street Car Pan Ams” won a Single-frame Vermeil.