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- Recut and Plate Varieties of the 3¢ 1851 Imperforate stamp
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- The Ashbrook Archives
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- The New York City Domestic Mail 52-3 “APL” For April Cancel Revisited
- The Providence RI Control Marked 3 Cent 1851-57 Adhesives
- U.S. Cancellations 1845-1869
- U.S. Three Cent 1851 Essays
- Unofficial Roulettes on the Three – Cent Stamp of the United States 1851 Issue
- W. Wilson Hulme II Research Documents
- Philatelic Exhibits
- 1847 – 1851 Period
- Boston’s Use of the 1847 Issue
- First Federally Issued Postage Stamps, Frame 2
- First Federally Issued Postage Stamps, Frame 3
- First Federally Issued Postage Stamps, Frame 4
- First Federally Issued Postage Stamps, Frame 5
- First Federally Issued Postage Stamps, Frame 6
- First Federally Issued Postage Stamps, Frame 7
- First Federally Issued Postage Stamps, Frame 8
- First Issue of U.S. Stamps
- First Issue of U.S. Stamps, Frame 2
- First Issue of U.S. Stamps, Frame 3
- First Issue of U.S. Stamps, Frame 4
- First Issue of U.S. Stamps, Frame 5
- First Issue of U.S. Stamps, Frame 6
- First Issue of U.S. Stamps, Frame 7
- First Issue of U.S. Stamps, Frame 8
- First Issue of U.S. Stamps, Frame 9
- United States First Issue
- United States First Issue, Frame 2
- United States First Issue, Frame 3
- United States First Issue, Frame 4
- United States First Issue, Frame 5
- United States: The 1847 Issue
- United States: The 1847 Issue, Frame 2
- United States: The 1847 Issue, Frame 3
- United States: The 1847 Issue, Frame 4
- United States: The 1847 Issue, Frame 5
- United States: The 1847 Issue, Frame 6
- United States: The 1847 Issue, Frame 7
- United States: The 1847 Issue, Frame 8
- 1851 – 1860 Period
- Essays, Fancy Cancels, Postal History
- Institution Markings
- Mis-Struck Markings
- Mystery Cancels
- Plate 1L Experimental Orange Browns
- Plate Characteristics
- Railroad & Agent Markings
- Route Agent & Name-of-Boat Markings
- The Colors of the US 5c 1856-61 Issue
- The First United States 12¢ Stamp Series of 1851 – 1861
- The First United States 12¢ Stamp Series of 1851 – 1861, Frame 2
- The First United States 12¢ Stamp Series of 1851 – 1861, Frame 3
- The First United States 12¢ Stamp Series of 1851 – 1861, Frame 4
- The First United States 12¢ Stamp Series of 1851 – 1861, Frame 5
- The First United States 12¢ Stamp Series of 1851 – 1861, Frame 6
- The First United States 12¢ Stamp Series of 1851 – 1861, Frame 7
- The First United States 12¢ Stamp Series of 1851 – 1861, Frame 8
- The True Orange Browns
- The Use of Boston’s “Paid in Grid” Cancels: 1851-1859
- United States One Cent Stamp 1851 to 1861
- United States One Cent Stamp 1851 to 1861, Frame 2
- United States One Cent Stamp 1851 to 1861, Frame 3
- United States One Cent Stamp 1851 to 1861, Frame 4
- United States One Cent Stamp 1851 to 1861, Frame 5
- United States One Cent Stamp 1851 to 1861, Frame 6
- United States One Cent Stamp 1851 to 1861, Frame 7
- US Imperforate Issues of 1851 – 1856
- US Imperforate Issues of 1851 – 1856, Frame 2
- US Imperforate Issues of 1851 – 1856, Frame 3
- US Imperforate Issues of 1851 – 1856, Frame 4
- US Imperforate Issues of 1851 – 1856, Frame 5
- US Imperforate Issues of 1851 – 1856, Frame 6
- US Imperforate Issues of 1851 – 1856, Frame 7
- US Imperforate Issues of 1851 – 1856, Frame 8
- Well – Known 3¢ Platers
- 1861 – 1868 Period, Including the Civil War
- A Country Divided: Effects of the American Civil War on the Mails
- A Country Divided: Effects of the American Civil War on the Mails, Frame 2
- A Country Divided: Effects of the American Civil War on the Mails, Frame 3
- A Country Divided: Effects of the American Civil War on the Mails, Frame 4
- A Country Divided: Effects of the American Civil War on the Mails, Frame 5
- A Country Divided: Effects of the American Civil War on the Mails, Frame 6
- A Country Divided: Effects of the American Civil War on the Mails, Frame 7
- A Country Divided: Effects of the American Civil War on the Mails, Frame 8
- Design and uses of the USA 3c denomination: 1861 – 1869
- Design and uses of the USA 3c denomination: 1861 – 1869, Frame 2
- Design and uses of the USA 3c denomination: 1861 – 1869, Frame 3
- Design and uses of the USA 3c denomination: 1861 – 1869, Frame 4
- Design and uses of the USA 3c denomination: 1861 – 1869, Frame 5
- Design and uses of the USA 3c denomination: 1861 – 1869, Frame 6
- Design and uses of the USA 3c denomination: 1861 – 1869, Frame 7
- Design and uses of the USA 3c denomination: 1861 – 1869, Frame 8
- The 30 Cent and 90 Cent U.S. 1861 Issue
- The 30 Cent and 90 Cent U.S. 1861 Issue, Frame 2
- The 30 Cent and 90 Cent U.S. 1861 Issue, Frame 3
- The 30 Cent and 90 Cent U.S. 1861 Issue, Frame 4
- The 30 Cent and 90 Cent U.S. 1861 Issue, Frame 5
- The 30 Cent and 90 Cent U.S. 1861 Issue, Frame 6
- The 30 Cent and 90 Cent U.S. 1861 Issue, Frame 7
- The 3c Washington of 1861-69 and its role in efforts to prevent fraud and cut costs
- The 3c Washington of 1861-69 and its role in efforts to prevent fraud and cut costs, Frame 2
- The 3c Washington of 1861-69 and its role in efforts to prevent fraud and cut costs, Frame 3
- The 3c Washington of 1861-69 and its role in efforts to prevent fraud and cut costs, Frame 4
- The 3c Washington of 1861-69 and its role in efforts to prevent fraud and cut costs, Frame 5
- The 3c Washington of 1861-69 and its role in efforts to prevent fraud and cut costs, Frame 6
- The 3c Washington of 1861-69 and its role in efforts to prevent fraud and cut costs, Frame 7
- The 3c Washington of 1861-69 and its role in efforts to prevent fraud and cut costs, Frame 8
- The Process That Led to the ‘Grill’ Stamps of the United States. From First Experiments to the Earliest Z-Grills
- Trans-Oceanic Uses of the 30 Cent U.S. Issues of 1861-1868
- U.S. Issues of 1861-1868
- U.S. Issues of 1861-1868, Frame 2
- U.S. Issues of 1861-1868, Frame 3
- U.S. Issues of 1861-1868, Frame 4
- U.S. Issues of 1861-1868, Frame 5
- U.S. Issues of 1861-1868, Frame 6
- U.S. Issues of 1861-1868, Frame 7
- U.S. Issues of 1861-1868, Frame 8
- 1869 Period
- Colored Cancels on the US Stamps of 1869
- Colored Cancels on the US Stamps of 1869, Frame 2
- Colored Cancels on the US Stamps of 1869, Frame 3
- Colored Cancels on the US Stamps of 1869, Frame 4
- Colored Cancels on the US Stamps of 1869, Frame 5
- Colored Cancels on the US Stamps of 1869, Frame 6
- Lincoln Portrait Stamps
- The 2-cent Stamp of the U.S. 1869 Pictorial Issue
- The 2-cent Stamp of the U.S. 1869 Pictorial Issue, Frame 2
- The 2-cent Stamp of the U.S. 1869 Pictorial Issue, Frame 3
- The 2-cent Stamp of the U.S. 1869 Pictorial Issue, Frame 4
- The 2-cent Stamp of the U.S. 1869 Pictorial Issue, Frame 5
- The 2-cent Stamp of the U.S. 1869 Pictorial Issue, Frame 6
- The U.S. 10-cent Postage Stamp of 1869
- The U.S. 10-cent Postage Stamp of 1869, Frame 2
- The U.S. 10-cent Postage Stamp of 1869, Frame 3
- The U.S. 10-cent Postage Stamp of 1869, Frame 4
- The U.S. 10-cent Postage Stamp of 1869, Frame 5
- The U.S. 10-cent Postage Stamp of 1869, Frame 6
- The U.S. 10-cent Postage Stamp of 1869, Frame 7
- The U.S. 10-cent Postage Stamp of 1869, Frame 8
- Carriers, Locals, and Independent Mails
- Fighting the Fed in Philadelphia: 1835 to 1868
- Fighting the Fed in Philadelphia: 1835 to 1868, Frame 2
- Fighting the Fed in Philadelphia: 1835 to 1868, Frame 3
- Fighting the Fed in Philadelphia: 1835 to 1868, Frame 4
- Fighting the Fed in Philadelphia: 1835 to 1868, Frame 5
- Fighting the Fed in Philadelphia: 1835 to 1868, Frame 6
- Fighting the Fed in Philadelphia: 1835 to 1868, Frame 7
- Fighting the Fed in Philadelphia: 1835 to 1868, Frame 8
- City and State Postal History
- Confederate Stamps and Postal History
- Foreign Mails
- Cross-Border Mail via the Cunard Line
- Evolution Of Outbound Foreign Mail Cancelled In New York City 1845-78
- Evolution Of Outbound Foreign Mail Cancelled In New York City 1845-78, Frame 2
- Evolution Of Outbound Foreign Mail Cancelled In New York City 1845-78, Frame 3
- Evolution Of Outbound Foreign Mail Cancelled In New York City 1845-78, Frame 4
- Evolution Of Outbound Foreign Mail Cancelled In New York City 1845-78, Frame 5
- Evolution Of Outbound Foreign Mail Cancelled In New York City 1845-78, Frame 6
- Evolution Of Outbound Foreign Mail Cancelled In New York City 1845-78, Frame 7
- Evolution Of Outbound Foreign Mail Cancelled In New York City 1845-78, Frame 8
- Philadelphia-Great Britain Mails
- Philadelphia-Great Britain Mails, Frame 2
- Philadelphia-Great Britain Mails, Frame 3
- Philadelphia-Great Britain Mails, Frame 4
- Philadelphia-Great Britain Mails, Frame 5
- Philadelphia-Great Britain Mails, Frame 6
- Philadelphia-Great Britain Mails, Frame 7
- Philadelphia-Great Britain Mails, Frame 8
- Pre GPU Philadelphia- Great Britain Mails
- Pre-U.P.U. Rates Between the U.S. and the German States
- Pre-U.P.U. Rates Between the U.S. and the German States, Frame 10
- Pre-U.P.U. Rates Between the U.S. and the German States, Frame 2
- Pre-U.P.U. Rates Between the U.S. and the German States, Frame 3
- Pre-U.P.U. Rates Between the U.S. and the German States, Frame 4
- Pre-U.P.U. Rates Between the U.S. and the German States, Frame 5
- Pre-U.P.U. Rates Between the U.S. and the German States, Frame 6
- Pre-U.P.U. Rates Between the U.S. and the German States, Frame 7
- Pre-U.P.U. Rates Between the U.S. and the German States, Frame 8
- Pre-U.P.U. Rates Between the U.S. and the German States, Frame 9
- The U.S. ‘Retaliatory’ Rate of June – December 1848
- U.S. – France Mails by Steamship
- U.S.-G.B. Mails by Steamship 1838 to General Postal Union
- How the Post Facilitated Distribution of the Printed Word 1775-1870 pg 2
- Large Banknote Period
- Later Issues
- Miscellaneous
- “Fire on the Water” Steamboat Mail in New York State: 1808 to 1855
- “Fire on the Water” Steamboat Mail in New York State: 1808 to 1855, Frame 2
- “Fire on the Water” Steamboat Mail in New York State: 1808 to 1855, Frame 3
- “Fire on the Water” Steamboat Mail in New York State: 1808 to 1855, Frame 4
- “Fire on the Water” Steamboat Mail in New York State: 1808 to 1855, Frame 5
- “Fire on the Water” Steamboat Mail in New York State: 1808 to 1855, Frame 6
- “Fire on the Water” Steamboat Mail in New York State: 1808 to 1855, Frame 7
- “Fire on the Water” Steamboat Mail in New York State: 1808 to 1855, Frame 8
- Earliest Documented Uses of U.S. Adhesives
- How the Post Facilitated Distribution of the Printed Word 1775-1870
- How the Post Facilitated Distribution of the Printed Word 1775-1870 pg 3
- Pre-Contract Overland Routes into the American West: 1832 to 1851
- Ship Letters sent along the Trade Routes of Salem, Massachusetts: 1787-1837
- The Chips Covers
- The Mails of Navassa Island
- Officials et al
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- 1860 30¢ Issue
- 1860 90¢ Issue
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- The Columbian Issue $1
- The Columbian Issue $2
- The Columbian Issue $3
- The Columbian Issue $4
- The Columbian Issue $5
- The Columbian Issue – 6¢
- The Columbian Issue 10¢
- The Columbian Issue 15¢
- The Columbian Issue 1¢
- The Columbian Issue 2¢
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- The Columbian Issue 3¢
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- The Columbian Issue 50¢
- The Columbian Issue 5¢
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