With nearly 34,000 members in more than 110 countries, the APS is the largest, non-profit organization for stamp collectors in the world. Founded in 1886, the APS serves collectors, educators, postal historians, and the general public by providing a wide variety of programs and services. The Society is entirely supported by membership dues, gifts, and the sale of publications, souvenirs, and services.
The Carriers & Locals Society
The Collectors Club of N.Y.
Founded in 1896, the Club counted among its 750 members the leading — even legendary — names in philately. Today’s membership is no exception and includes some of the hobby’s best-known collectors, exhibitors, and authors. The vast majority of the group, however, are “regular” collectors who have one thing in common — a thirst to share their enjoyment of the hobby and a desire to learn more about collecting among others who take philately seriously.
The Club’s physical presence is transitioning from the landmark five-story brownstone at 35th Street & Madison Avenue in New York City. The Club currently meets at 11 West 42nd Street, 2nd floor, NY, NY 10036. On completion of the build-out, the Club will move to its new permanent home at 58 West 40th Street, 2nd floor, NY, NY 10018.
With less than 15% of its members reading in the New York metropolitan area, its membership truly has a worldwide footprint. Approximately 85% of members live in North America, while the rest live in Europe, Asia, Australasia, and Latin America.
The New York Chapter is a group of collectors who are interested in nineteenth century U.S. stamps and covers. The chapter meets on the second Tuesday of each month (except July and August) at 8:00 PM via Zoom and will eventually host in-person meetings at the Collectors Club’s new home at 58 West 40th Street, New York, NY.
At most meetings a presentation is delivered on a topic related to nineteenth century U.S. philately. Generally, copies of the presentation material is sent out a short time after the meeting. Occasionally, we will have a “show and tell” discussion or ask members to put together a one-frame exhibit of their favorite material. Visitors are always welcome to attend our meetings. Please contact Michael Heller via e-mail for details.
When The Collectors Club reopens and we resume in person gatherings, members can meet beforehand at 6:00 PM for a “Dutch treat” dinner at a nearby restaurant. All visitors are cordially invited to join us.
Meets the second Friday of every month, at a member’s home for a “light dinner,” philatelic banter, followed by presentation and discussion of a topic usually of US classic interest.
Additionally, they meet every year at NAPEX and welcome all attending members to join us for no host cocktails, dinner, and participation in our meeting at the McLean Hilton – the site for NAPEX.
Subjects reflect member interests; consequently, they have included Exhibiting, Show & Tell, Restoration & Preservation, Mail via Inland Waterways, the Civil War, Economic Aspects of Collecting, Proprietary Revenue Stamps and similar topics in their agenda.
A Group of Collectors interested in 19th Century U.S. stamps & covers – Contact Bill Schultz or Mark Schwartz for more information. Meet quarterly for an update on each others’ activities and for a presentation and discussion of a topic of U.S. classic interest.