Board of Directors
Ex-Officio Members
Steve Kennedy |
Yamil H. Kouri, Jr. |
Business Manager, Publications
Carol Bommarito |
Advertising Manager
James W. Milgram, M.D. |
Coordinator – Lectures and Seminars
Pat Walker |
Coordinator – Exhibits
Tom Lera |
Coordinator – Exhibit Awards
Dwayne Littauer |
Chair, Finance Committee
Wayne Farley |
Chair, The Chase Fund
Gordon Eubanks |
Chair, Website Committee
![]() Charles J. DiComo, PhD |
Editor-in-Chief – The Chairman’s Chatter
Chip Gliedman |
Editor – American Stampless Cover Catalog (ASCC)
Editorial Board – The Chronicle of the U.S. Classic Postal Issues

Michael Laurence
James W. Milgram, M.D. |
Prestamp & Stampless Mails
John Bowman |
Carriers, Locals & Independent Mails
Gordon Eubanks |
1847 Issue
Wade E. Saadi |
1851 Issue
David Zlowe |
Assistant, 1851 Issue
Chip Gliedman |
1861-68 Issue
Scott R. Trepel |
1869 Pictorials
H. Jeffrey Brahin |
The 1870-1893 Bank Note Period
Matt Kewriga |
Assistant, Bank Note Period
Alan Campbell |
Officials et al.
Lester C. Lanphear III |
Assistant, Officials
Labron Harris |
The 1890s
Jan Hofmeyr |
Essays & Proofs
Steven C. Walske |
The Western Mails
Dwayne O. Littauer |
The Foreign Mails
David D’Alessandris |
Assistant, The Foreign Mails
Jerry Palazolo |
The Cover Corner
Charles J. DiComo, PhD |
Editorial Proofreader
Address changes should be sent to the Secretary, back issue orders to the Publication Sales Chairman, other correspondence to the Editor-in-Chief. Reports of new items or articles should be submitted to the appropriate Section Editor or Editor-in-Chief. Do not send stamps or covers unless requested. Any items sent will be carefully guarded, but no liability attaches to an Editor.