To provide meaningful recognition for exhibits of United States classic postal issues or postal history and to encourage further study, research, and display of U.S. issues and postal history of the classic period.
The classic period is defined to include any and all U.S. stamps and/or covers from the stampless era up to, but
To be eligible for the USPCS Medal, an exhibit must be entered in the general or single frame class at a U.S. National Show (one qualifying for the World Series of Philately and AmeristampExpo). The exhibit must consist predominately of U.S. classics material as defined above. The exhibit must have earned a Gold or Vermeil level award at this show. The exhibit may present stampless covers, proofs and essays, stamps, covers, cancellations, postal history, postal stationery, and other back-of-the-book material, or combination showings selected from the foregoing. No less than 75% of the material in the exhibit shall be within the defined classic period.
Membership in the U.S. Philatelic Classics Society is
To be under consideration for the USPCS Medal, an exhibit shall follow contemporary exhibiting procedures and no special rules will be required. The panel of judges may award this medal to
The U.S. Philatelic Classics Society desires this award
For recent Medal & Clock Winners, please click HERE.