- Canada – Great White North
The Edmonton Spring National Stamp Show took place in Edmonton, Alberta March 24th-25th. Society member Jane Sodero’s exhibit “First Day Covers and Usage of Canada’s 1955 Kayak Hunter” took Multi-frame Large Vermeil and the British North America Philatelic Society Best BNA 2X4 Exhibit.
Six weeks later (nothing to do with Punxsutawney Phil), ORAPEX took place in Ottawa, May 4th-5th. Terry Hursh’s exhibit “Art Deco Influence on European Philately” won Multi-frame Large Vermeil, the AAPE’s Novice Award, and the ATA’s Best Thematic or Topical 2nd.
- USA – Not quite Snow Bird Heaven
PIPEX overlapped with ORAPEX and ran May 3rd – 5th. The show was held in Portland, Oregon. Unlike last year, all judging was done on-site. Four Society members won awards as follows.
Alfredo Frohlich won the Multi-frame Reserve Grand for “United States of Colombia 1868-1881” (also Multi-frame Large Gold and the APS Award of Excellence, pre-1900).
John Hotchner’s exhibit “20th century U.S. Auxiliary Markings Documenting Delays of, or Inability to Deliver, the Mail. The First 50 Years” won Multi-frame Gold and the United States Stamp Society Statue of Freedom Award.
Multi-frame Large Vermeil was won by Hal Leland for “The One Cent Issue of 1869: The Making and Use of a Classic U.S. Stamp” and Ralph Nafziger for “Auxiliary Markings on U.S. First Day Covers”.
Most recently, the Rocky Mountain Stamp Show was held in Aurora, Colorado May 24th-26th. Ten different exhibits from 7 different Society members won awards.
Starting off with Tony Dewey who won the Single-frame Reserve Grand for “Swiss Official Stamps for the International Refugee Organization, 1950-1952” (also Single-frame Large Gold). Tony’s “The 3¢ Connecticut Tercentenary Issue of 1935 and its First Days” won the George Brett Cup. Last year at this show, Tony’s exhibit won the NSDA’s Most Popular Exhibit.
Hal Vogel’s “The Post Office That Saved, Served and Almost Scuttled an Antarctic Expedition” won Multi-frame Large Gold and the AAPE Award of Excellence Treatment.
Multi-frame Gold was won by Alfredo Frohlich for “1914-1919 German Soldiers Captured in China-Japan Internment: Their Mail Use” (also Military Postal History Society Award) and William Johnson for “James William Denver – The Man and His Times” (also ATA First Award, the Professional Stamp Experts Award, and the Peoples’ Choice / Most Popular Exhibit).
Richard Taschenberg won Single-frame Large Gold for “1861 Bicolor Envelope Usage – Unrecognized Rarity” as well as the UPSS Single-frame Champion of Champions.
Peter Schwartz won Single-frame Gold and the USPCS Society Award for “The Earliest Black Portrayals on US Stamps 1864-1872”.
Dan Undersander won Single-frame Large Vermeil for each of “Development of the Star Die Envelopes and Wrappers” and “The U.S. 1861 Letter Sheet”.
Congrats to all Society exhibitors.