Don David Price and Patricia Stilwell Walker discussing Letters of Gold at the Society Table.
W. Wilson Hulme and Patricia Stilwell Walker with visitors at the Society Table.
Our new Officers-elect who will take over administration of Society affairs as of July 1st. From left to right: W. Wilson Hulme, President; Dr. Charles J. Di Como, Secretary; Wade Saadi, Vice-President; and Dwayne O. Littauer, Treasurer.
Banquet @ One Walnut Restaurant
Tom Alexander, W. Wilson Hulme, Charles J. DiComo, and Roy P. Weber gathering for the Dutch Treat Dinner.
Charles DiComo getting an education on Foreign Mails from Dick Winter, with Wilson Hulme, Leonard Hartmann and Roy Weber looking on.
Harvey Mirsky, Gail Saadi, and Phil Wahl.
Pat and Dan Walker.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peterson with Joseph Crosby.
Chas. Snee (Linn’s), Don D. Price, Alan Berkun and Michael Laurence.
Don D. Price, Alan Berkun, Michael Laurence, Chas. Snee (Linn’s) and Jeff Forster.
Ed Hines, James Milgram, and Stanley Pillar.
Leonard Hartmann, Wilson Hulme, Dick Winter, and Roy Weber enjoying conversation and wine.
Matthew Liebson, Charles Snee (Linn’s) and Richard Frajola.
Alan Berkun, George Kramer (hidden), William Ainsworth, and Ken Lawrence.
Michael Laurence, Gail Saadi, Margaret and Rob Lund.