A good turnout at the Annual Meeting Seminar Series |

From Left to Right: Ed Siskin speaking on “United States Postal History Before the United States Post Office”; Paul Bourke speaking on “Banknote Postal History – Highlights from a Developing Collection”; & Larry Lyons speaking on “Locals on 1847 Cover”. |

From Left to Right: Martin Richardson speaking on “Boyd’s City Express Registry Services”; Vernon Morris speaking on “Carriers to the U.S. Mails in Philadelphia, 1847-51”; & John D. Bowman speaking on the Carriers & Locals Society. |

W. Wilson Hulme II speaking on the Smithsonian National Postal Museum, and showing off its most recent acquisition, the original hand engraved steel die that produced the 1851 essay designated as 11-E2. |

Annual Meeting attendees listening to W. Wilson Hulme’s presentation on the NPM. |

Allen Kane, Director of the National Postal Museum at left & attendees viewing the NPM’s Great Rarities Collection at right. |

A powerpoint slide illustrating some of the early airmails & interrupted flight covers at the Smithsonian National Postal Museum. |

Volunteer David Jickling showing one of the Smithsonian National Postal Museum Sample Books at the Annual Meeting. |