(formerly “The 3¢ 1851-61 Study Group”)
This page is dedicated to Roy Weber, friend and philatelist, whose home in New Jersey we met at for many years to share our passion for primarily the U.S. 3¢ Stamp, 1851-61 Issue. This Study Group group lives on and has expanded over the years to include the U.S. Classic Postal Issues up to 1900. We communicate primarily through email, sharing images, stories, requests for information, etc. If you would like to be added to the email distribution list, contact Dr. Charles J. DiComo

January 2007 at the New York Collector’s Club. This meeting took place under a somber setting, with the passing of W. Wilson Hulme only a few weeks earlier. A decision was made by all in attendance to name this gathering in remembrance of Roy P. Weber, who sadly passed in December of 2005. After much stamping, discussion, examination of new material, reflection on our departed friends, we finished off the day with a fine Italian dinner at a nearby restaurant. In attendance were Wade E. Saadi, Larry Hunt, Gary Granzow, Rob Lund, George Tyson, Frank Mandel, Randy Schwartz and Dr. Charles J. DiComo. Unable to attend: Dick Celler, Harvey Mirsky, Mark Friedman and Greg Weber (Roy’s son).