The two cent stamp of the 1861 – 1869 series is one of the most popular of the classic postal issues; it is the only one with a universally recognized nickname – the Blackjack. It is easy to see how this nickname came about – the stamp is black, and it bears an oversized likeness of Andrew Jackson, the seventh president of the United States. This stamp was designed by James Macdonough of the National Bank Note Co., and the die was completed by a team of engravers. The original artwork source is either a miniature by John Wood Dodge or a painting by Miner Kilbourne Kellog. Figure 1 is an unused block of this handsome stamp.

Other varieties exist, such as double perforations, laid paper, stitch watermarks and printing smears, and one of the more interesting is the printed-on-both-sides variety which usually results from a press set-up print or other printer’s waste being turned over and reused. Figure 8 is a typical example of this variety.

Figure 11

Civil War Timeline, at Siegel Encyclopedia